Trade finance

Insurance of individuals who are of key importance for your company’s operations.

Check the information on the merger of SKB Bank and Nova KBM.

Directly enforceable collateral

Instrument of payment insurance, accepted in the Act on prevention of late payments.

  • quick and simple debt repayment
  • directly enforceable collateral retention until full payment
  • prohibition on disposition of funds

Documentary letter of credit

Decrease business risks in international operations.

  • decrease of risk of default in international operations
  • possibility of choosing among various types of documentary letters of credit in accordance with the type of management


Independent and irrevocable obligation of guarantor bank to pay guaranteed amount.

  • reliable insurance instrument that enables insurance against the risk of non-fulfillment or partial fulfillment of contract obligations
  • possibility of liquidation at first written appeal when fulfilling the conditions in the guarantee
  • growing trust of business partners
  • possibility of choosing different types of service and payment guarantees

Documentary collection

Payment instrument that provides greater payment security than remittance.

  • safer than bank transfer
  • the seller guarantees payment - bank hands the documents only upon bill acceptance or immediate payment
  • the buyer has a guaranteed delivery of required goods with contract provisions
  • documentary collection ensures timely consistency between payment and shipping of goods