Business safety net

Ensured safety of operations in case of unexpected events with insurance for key persons in your company.

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Insurance against the loss of income

Safety of business operations and responsibility


Business safety net is a 10-year investment-linked life insurance by Zavarovalnica Sava, that offers a wholesome protection of the company against the loss of income. It enables the economis safety of business operations and responsibility towards the owners, employees and business partners.
No medical questionnaire

Insurance of key persons


Insure key persons aged 25 to 75 without having to fill out a medical questionnaire. The insurance holders do not need a medical examination when approaching. The maximum age of insured persons when concluding the insurance is 85 years.
Investment in an investment fund

Infond Globalni uravnoteženi


Life insurance with simultaneous investment in the investment fund Infond Globalni uravnoteženi, management company Sava Infond, d.o.o. You can choose between three amounts of investment premium: 10, 30 or 50 EUR per month.

Insurance of business operations

Insurance that offers a wholesome protection of the company against the loss of income due to unexpected events or circumstances, that company key persons are exposed to in their everyday active and stressful life.


Zavarovalnice Sava, d.d., for companies.


can be key persons in the company, aged 25 to 75.


is a company or an individual professional, that determines a key person - individual insurance holder.


Insurance holders are divided into grades based on their age, from 25 to 75 years. The age grade determines the sum of insurance premium.


lasts for 10 years and concludes in the year in which the insurance holder reaches 85 years of age at the latest.


in case of death or death by accident with added possible coverages for serious diseases, accident hospitalisations and bone fractures and disabilities due to an accident.


for death 4.200 EUR to 15.000 EUR and for death by accident from 8.400 to 30.000 EUR, depending on the age of the insurance holder.


by investing 10, 30 or 50 EUR per month in investment fund INFOND GLOBALNI URAVNOTEŽENI, management company Sava Infond, d.o.o.


from 32 EUR per month, with the possibility of yearly payment.

Digital banking

With mobile and online bank, you can arrange as many as 53 different tasks without visiting the bank.:

  • Submitting application for approval of extra overdraft facility.
  • Submitting application for order of consumer loan.
  • Submitting application for obtaining Visa credit card.
  • Paying and receiving invoices and e-invoices.
  • Overview of balance and spending.

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It's good to know
who you trust with your finances

SKB bank

  • Excells in safety, stability and reliability in Slovene banking space.
  • Part of OTP Group, one of the biggest and most stable financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Trusted by more than 200.000 clients.

Frequently asked questions

The tax aspect is based on the information provided by DURS or FURS, bit in each case the tax aspect should be properly verified taking concrete facts into consideration.

Risk premium payments are considered as tax deductible expenses for the company. The savings part of the premium has the nature of an investment and is therefore recorded in the legal person’s - beneficiary’s books as a long-term claim on the insurance company.

The 8.5% tax on insurance premiums is not applied to 10 years life insurance. The tax is only payable if the insurance is cashed in before the end of the 10-year term.

If an insured event occurs, the beneficiary of the insurance payment is the company and the payment is included in the tax base for the year of disbursement in the income statement.

  • Upon the death of the insured person, the sum insured for the death and the value of the property are paid according to the policy. Full insurance coverage occurs after the first year of insurance. Before the end of the first year, 50% of the premiums paid will be paid in the event of the insured person's death.
  • In case of accidental death of the insured person, the sum insured for accidental death and the value of the property are paid according to the policy, and after the end of the first year of insurance, also the sum insured for the death of the insured person.
    If, at the end of the insurance period, the insured person’s death has not occurred, the value of the property is paid according to the policy.
  • In case of serious illness of the insured person, after the expiry of the first two years of insurance, the sum insured for death is paid as an advance in the share agreed in the policy. The amount of the advance payment is reduced by the sum insured for death.
  • In case of hospitalization of the insured person due to an accident, a daily allowance for more than four consecutive nights spent in the hospital as a result of the accident (up to 365 consecutive nights) is paid.
  • In case of an accidental bone fracture suffered by the insured person, a one-time daily compensation for a bone fracture is paid, including osteoporotic fractures.
    In case of accidental disability of the insured person, the sum insured for progressive accidental disability is paid - in case of 100% disability, the sum insured is doubled.