Specialists with assistance

Quick access to diagnosis and treatment.

Check the information on the merger of SKB Bank and Nova KBM.

Quick access to specialists

Specialist examinations, diagnostic tests, psychological help, selected surgeries and physiotherapy.


Remote video consultation with a doctor

Solve health problems faster and without visiting a doctor's office.


Avoid long queues

At the specialist examination in the self-paying outpatient clinic in 10 days **.


Don’t leave your health or the health of your children to chance. Choose insurance Specialists with Assistance, which provides easy access to a remote medical consultation with a general practitioner of family medicine.

Get a second opinion

It is made by a group of internationally renowned experts (Advance Medical), who take care of 35 million clients in 125 countries around the world. The second opinion of renowned doctors from abroad also applies to family members. The second opinion prepared and translated includes an opinion on the problem, recommendations of internationally recognized experts and information on the possibilities of further treatment in Slovenia and abroad.

Halo Doctor

Provides quick and easy remote consultation (video, phone):

- with a general practitioner or family doctor about any medical problem immediately via video call (usually within 15 minutes) or at your chosen free time;

- every day of the week from 6 am to 10 pm , also during the holidays and an unlimited number of calls;

- the doctor makes a report, Halo Doctor can also send a referral for a specialist examination from the insurance Specialists with assistance.

Assistance services


- information on insurance, health care providers, conditions and manner of exercising insurance rights, and on exercising rights in the system of the public health service network in Slovenia;

- issuing prior approval and organizing health services from insurance, expert consultation related to health care condition and draw up a treatment plan and a second opinion.

Organization and payment of medical services


- specialist treatments for rapid diagnosis (specialist examinations, simple diagnostic tests and simple outpatient procedures), and more demanding diagnostic tests (eg CT, MR, colonoscopy, gastroscopy).

Medications with white prescription

Prescribed when performing a specialist treatment or demanding diagnostic examination or procedure.


Treatment plan − in case of injury due to an accident that required hospitalization. Physiotherapy as a continuation of specialist treatment or a demanding diagnostic examination or procedure. Psychological assistance − outpatient psychotherapy or clinical psychology services in the event of a serious medical condition, permanent loss of ability to work, postpartum depression or loss of a close family member.


Diagnostic or therapeutic intervention required to diagnose or treat a diagnosis made by a specialist or a demanding diagnostic examination.

Do you know the waiting queues in public health system?

  • cardiological examination: on average 162 days
  • knee surgery: on average 287 days
  • heart MRI: on average 315 days
  • varicose vein surgery: on average 730 days
Often, a timely diagnosis is key
for successful treatment!

With insurance Specialists with assistance by Generali you can take action quickly, take care of your health and save. Insurance makes your path to diagnosis and treatment easier.

Source: National Institute of Public Health, National Monitoring of Waiting Times. Report on February 1, 2021.
**Applies to self-paying health services to specialists who are contractors of the insurance company. This period may also be longer in individual cases if there are reasons for this on the part of the contractor.

Packages by
age group
of the
insured person











Specialist treatment/
Demanding diagnostic examination

2.000 EUR/year

2.000 EUR/year

2.000 EUR/year


2.000 EUR/year

Second medical opinion *


Preventive check-ups and examinations**




Medications with white prescription

200 EUR/year

200 EUR/year

200 EUR/year




- Treatment plan

- Physiotherapy

- Psychological help


800 EUR/year

700 EUR/year

400 EUR/year

700 EUR/year


400 EUR/year

700 EUR/year



Surgeries – Extended package

8.000 EUR/year

8.000 EUR/year




* Coverage for the insured person and for close family members (partner, children up to the age of 27, parents).

** The OPTIMALNI package and coverage Preventive check-ups and examinations can only be selected by persons who have reached the age of 15.































Specialist treatment/
Demanding diagnostic examination


1.000 EUR/year


1.000 EUR/year


1.000 EUR/year


1.000 EUR/year


1.000 EUR/year

Second medical opinion*






Medications with white prescription


200 EUR/year


200 EUR/year





- Treatment plan

- Physiotherapy

- Psychological help



400 EUR/year

700 EUR/year





400 EUR/year

700 EUR/year



400 EUR/year

700 EUR/year



4.000 EUR




8.000 EUR



* Coverage for the insured person and for close family members (partner, children up to the age of 27, parents).

Make an appointment with an individual relationship officer

Your individual relationship officer will wait for you in the outlet on the agreed upon date and time. 
With his help, you will be able to arrange everything quickly and easily.

Make an appointment  or  Tell us your wishes

Table of monthly
insurance premiums in EUR


From 1 to 15 years 7,04 9,82 13,40 x
From 16 to 25 years 8,22 11,34 15,82 21,77
From 26 to 35 years 8,68 12,02 15,83 21,92
From 36 to 45 years 9,88 14,64 20,52 27,65
From 46 to 55 years 11,86 19,52 27,68 36,82
From 56 to 65 years 13,49 24,71 32,26 43,26


From 66 to 75 years 27,72 17,11 12,85 6,48 4,97
From 76 to 85 years 31,23 19,80 14,69 7,54 5,74
Above 86 37,24 24,66 18,01 9,05 6,97

Frequently asked questions

The insurance is concluded for one year.

At the end of the agreed duration period, the insurance is automatically extended for the same period of time for which it was concluded, unless the insurance policy holder cancels such an agreement. In case of cancellation, the contract terminates at the end of the current insurance year.

Before the end of the insurance year, in which the person reaches the age of 66, they receive an offer for transformation into insurance or conclusion of new insurance, which is adjusted to the age group of persons after the age of 66.

The insurance lasts for a maximum of the end of the insurance year in which the insured person reaches the age of 100, unless otherwise stipulated by the insurance contract.

The contract terminates prematurely with the death of the insured person, its cancelation or termination.

At the first conclusion of the insurance, the waiting period of 3 months applies for a new disease or condition, except for injuries resulting from an accident that occurred after the start of the insurance. If the insurance policy holder renews the contract within one month after the expiration of the contract, the insurance has no waiting period.

A 24-month waiting period applies to all existing medical conditions at the time of conclusion. Liabilities from the insurance contract for existing conditions will be assumed by the insurance company after the expiration of the waiting period, if the insured has not been treated for these health conditions during this period. If the insured person has been treated during the waiting period, the waiting period for existing medical conditions will be counted from the end of the treatment.

The coverages Halo Doktor and Get a second opinion have no waiting period and also apply to existing medical conditions and chronic diseases.

At the time of taking out insurance, the waiting period is three months, except in the case of treatment of the consequences of an accident. The entry into force of the additional coverage of Halo Doktor is the day after the signing of the offer. Halo Doktor and the Second Medical Opinion do not have a waiting period.

Persons from the age of 1 to 85 can be insured.

It's good to know
whom you trust your finances

SKB bank

  • Excells in safety, stability and reliability in Slovene banking space.
  • Part of OTP Group, one of the biggest and most stable financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Trusted by more than 200.000 clients.

What do our clients say about us?

Tina J.
Tina J.

SKB bank keeps pace with the trends. It provides its users with online and mobile banking which makes our business easier and also simplifies dealing with our personal account, while paying invoices is quick and easy. Employees in bank branches are nice, helpful and willing to solve every issue.

Tina J.
Ivona K.
Ivona K.

I have been a satisfied client since 2003. What I like most are personal approach and responsiveness – my individual relationship officer instantly finds a favourable solution for each of my financial challenges. I would also like to point out the mobile bank; these days I could not imagine my everyday life without it.

Ivona K.

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