About SKB bank


Check the information on the merger of SKB Bank and Nova KBM.


Safe, reliable and trustworthy partner

SKB Banka places great importance on following internationally acknowledged Know-Your-Customer and Anti–Money Laundering principles.



Pursuant to the Slovenian Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act, SKB Bank as an obliged person who is a credit or financial institution, when entering into a correspondent relationship with a credit or financial institution established in a Member State or a third country, as part of an in-depth customer review, the quality of its supervision, carry out customer due diligence measures and additionally obtain the data, information and documentation required under the Slovenian Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (due diligence examination).

In addition to this, the objective of due diligence checks performed by our bank is to provide accurate, adequate information regarding to the bank when establishing and maintaining correspondent banking relationships, as well as to request the equivalent information from the prospective and existing correspondent banking relationships.

Information about SKB Banka d.d., Ljubljana and its measures to comply with due diligence requirements can be found below. Further information can be requested via SWIFT (BIC code: SKBASI2X) or please write to us (MO-DDCBANK@skb.si).  



Bank established a whistleblowing system with the aim of ensuring the compliance of the bank's operations. It is intended to report possible or actual violations of regulations and internal acts of the bank, caused by bank employees or the bank, or other actions that may be questionable from the point of view of ethics or legality.

If you detect any violation of the SKB Code of Ethics or other regulations, you have the right to point it out!

A Whistleblowing report may be sent/turned in:

  • in person, during working hours (by appointment) at the Compliance Department (the person responsible: Tea Lobe, Head of Compliance Department); 
  • via telephone (at the phone number 01 471 5999) - Monday to Friday from 9 to 15 (the person responsible: Tea Lobe, Head of Compliance Department) (this type of reporting cannot ensure total anonymity of the caller, while identity of the individual is safeguarded in line with these rules and Whistleblower Protection Act). 
  • by e-mail to opozorilo.opozorilo@skb.si  
  • by mail, addressed to the Head of Compliance Department, the and/or the Head of the Internal Audit Department, the Internal Audit Department (Ajdovščina 4, 1000 Ljubljana) and

If the whistleblowing report pertains to the Compliance Department or the Internal Audit Department 

  • by mail, addressed to the General Management of the Bank (Ajdovščina 4, 1000 Ljubljana).

An individual who reports an irregularity will be protected from discrimination and unfair treatment, and the data will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, the identity of the whistleblower will not be disclosed and will be known only to the person who will process the application. The report can also be submitted anonymously.

If you believe that an internal report cannot be dealt with effectively or that you may be subject to retaliatory measures, you can submit an external report to the Bank of Slovenia or other external reporting authorities, as stipulated in Article 14 of the Act on the Protection of Reporters.

The parent company OTP Bank additionally enables direct reporting of irregularities to the parent company via an online form.



The Compliance Policy summarises the principles relating to the compliance of the bank and sets out the main direction of an independent compliance activity.




Since SKB Bank expects all employees to act in accordance with our high ethical standards, we have adopted rules of ethical conduct and anti-corruption policy, which are designed to protect employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners from risks arising from violations of non-implementation and non-compliance with internal regulations or applicable legislation.

Both the Bank and its employees on behalf of the Bank do not provide financial or non-financial support to political parties, organizations, their members or representatives.