Reference interest rates

Valid on 03.07.2024.

Interest rate Value
1M EURIBOR 3,6550 %
3M EURIBOR 3,7090 %
6M EURIBOR 3,6780 %
12M EURIBOR 3,5670 %
3M LIBOR USD 5,5825 %
3M SARON 1,4247 %

Diagram of the 3M Euribor reference interest rate movement for a period of 10 years

Contractual composite nominal interest rate for a loan is comprised of a reference interest rate and a addition.  

In order to consider new values of reference interest rate, the contractual interest rate changes until final loan repayment, namely every three months on the day of maturity of an annuity or interest.

The change of reference interest rate directly affects the change of contractual interest rate by which interests are calculated. The borrower must be aware of the fact that they themselves assume the entire risk of potential change, including a significant increase in monthly annuity.

The reference interest rate EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered rate) is an inter-bank interest rate at which representative banks from the euro area mutually offer deposits (lend money) for a defined maturity (up to 1 year). The Bank publishes a 3-month EURIBOR on this web page and in all SKB outlets.