About SKB bank


Check the information on the merger of SKB Bank and Nova KBM.


Important information about us

Banka SKB is a modern bank that offers innovative solutions to its clients.

Information on key events, milestones, financial results, vision and plans, strategy and performance of the bank.

Press releases

SKB Bank for the twelfth time with the title "Bank of the Year in Slovenia" and strong performance in the first nine months of this year 01. 12. 2023

We are happy and proud to announce that the professional magazine The Banker recognized us as the best bank for the twelfth time and awarded us the title "Bank of the Year 2023 in Slovenia". The expert jury evaluates professionalism, business performance, innovation, and orientation towards the future. In addition to SKB Bank, our sister banks from Croatia, Montenegro and Albania also received the title in their respective countries.

More detailed informationpdf, 185 kB

Working together as a group, we can work better - also for charitable purposes 17. 08. 2023

SKB Bank and Nova KBM, under the umbrella of the OTP Group, are already in the process of merging, demonstrating that they will continue to support a broader social environment that promotes charity, sustainability, and volunteering as one bank. The OTP Group, which includes Nova KBM and SKB banka in Slovenia, will donate a total of 2,2 million euros to those in need. In addition to Nova KBM and SKB banka, the funds will also be contributed by the parent company, Hungarian OTP bank.

More detailed informationpdf, 92 kB


In the first quarter of 2023, the SKB Group generated a net profit of 17.4 million EUR, which is 4.1 million EUR (+30.7 %)
more than in the same period last year.

More detailed informationpdf, 84 kB

In 2022, SKB Group reached important milestones and closed business year with net profit of 61.1 million EUR 13. 03. 2023

During the year 2022, the SKB Group reached important milestones in its operations and achieved an excellent business result. The Group's total assets exceeded 4.4 billion EUR, which means the Bank's market share in terms of total assets is 8.7 %. It increased its market share in loans to 10.8 % and in deposits to 9.2 %. The SKB Group closed the 2022 business year with a net profit of 61.1 million EUR, which is 15.1 million EUR  more than the year before and the most in the history of the SKB Group.

More detailed informationpdf, 89 kB

The most significant acquisition in OTP Group’s history is closed 06. 02. 2023

OTP Group is pleased to announce that, following the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, the acquisition of Nova KBM Group in Slovenia has been successfully completed, finishing the most complex acquisition process ever undertaken by the banking group. The purchase of NKBM is the most significant acquisition in the history of OTP Group enabling the group to become market leader in the fifth country and further strengthen its market position in the CEE region.

More detailed informationpdf, 718 kB

OTP Bank received approval from the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency for the acquisition of Nova KBM 01. 02. 2023

OTP Bank, the leading banking group in Central and Eastern Europe has fulfilled today the last condition for closing the transaction of acquiring NKBM by receiving the approval of the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency. The sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of Slovenia’s second largest bank was signed on 31 May 2021, and following the closing, that is expected in the upcoming days, Nova KBM will join OTP Group.

More detailed informationpdf, 623 kB

Annual reports & Disclosures of information

Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2023

Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2023

SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana is a subsidiary bank under the CRR 2 Directive and is classified by the Bank of Slovenia as an Other Systemically Important Bank and therefore qualifies as a large subsidiary. In accordance with Article 13 of CRR2, the bank is only obliged to disclose a limited set of contents under Part 8 of CRR. As the bank is not listed on a stock exchange, it is only obliged to disclose the required information once a year in accordance with the Directive.

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Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana publishes the SKB Group Annual Report for 2023, which was submitted by the Bank's Management to the Bank's Board of Directors for approval in accordance with Article 272 of the Companies Act (ZGD-1).

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Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2022

Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2022

Due to inadequate reporting of the number of persons in the governing bodies in Chapter 12 Renumeration policy in SKB group we have corrected:

  • Table 41 Template EU REM1 – Renumeration awarded for the financial year
  • Table 43 Template EU REM3 – Deferred renumeration
  • Table 45 Template EU REM5 – Information on renumeration of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on institutions’ risk profile (identified staff)
Renumeration policy in SKB group pdf, 42 kB

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Disclosures according to the EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07 )

Disclosures according to the EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07 )

According to EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07 ) SKB and SKB group disclosed the information about guarantee schemes and legislative moratoria and also other (non-legislative) moratoria, concluded as a consequence of COVID-19.

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Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2020

Disclosures of the SKB GROUP for 2020

The purpose of this report is to provide disclosures as required by the Global Regulatory Framework for capital and liquidity, established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). At European level, these requirements are implemented in accordance with disclosure requirements in the Part Eight of Regulation (EU) No 272/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (Capital Requirements Regulation - the CRR) and Directive 2013/36/EU on access to the credit institution and prudential supervision of credit institution and investment firms (Capital Requirements Directive IV – the CRD). Disclosures for SKB Group are prepared in accordance with regulation. All disclosers are prepared in EUR thousand, unless otherwise stated.

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Disclosures according the EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07)

Disclosures according the EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07)

According to EBA Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/07) SKB and SKB group disclosed the information about
guarantee schemes and legislative moratoria and also other (non-legislative) moratoria, concluded as
a consequence of COVID-19.

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Disclosure of information 2019

Disclosure of information 2019

Disclosure of information 2019

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Disclosure of information 2018

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Corporate design

The SKB logotype consists of the sign and text that represent a whole and it is not allowed to use them separately.

The logotype can be used for journalist articles and sponsor projects supported by SKB banka or upon prior agreement







We chose a few photographs of management and bank SKB for you. If you need high resolution photographs, please contact us at info@skb.si.
Photo: Bojan Puhek.





SKB Leasing
